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2025 Water Rates and Tap Fees2025 Raw Water System LetterBudget and Water Rate Increase Notice


Each disputed raw water use challenge is reviewed by the Metro Board members on a case by case basis and only applies to two consecutive monthly billings.

Metro Raw Water System Update:

The Metro District operates and maintains the two pump houses in Cotton Ranch and Sky legend. Including operation of the metro main lines and first gate valve off the main line onto each property in the District. Metro also takes care of the diversions off Gypsum Creek and associated ditches. All water within Cotton Ranch and Sky Legend is shared with the Golf Course / Town of Gypsum. The irrigation raw water system is owned and operated by the Metro District and AMCOBI processes the billings sent to all constituents.

Upper pump house: Raw water Filter system installed on 3/2019 and is operating properly
Lower pump house: Raw water filter system installed 3/2020 and is operating properly

Ditches And Head Gates:

Our Chatfield Bartholomew ditch flows by the middle school on Grundell Way and travels down Timberwolf and Whitetail , feeds Red Fox Ponds and empties into our west bar ditch. Our Grundell Brothers and AF Grundell ditch flows through holes # 3 and #4 on the golf course then empties into our west bar ditch which then fills pond #1 by our Lower Pump house.   The Metro Board is working with the Town of Gypsum on Chatfield Bartholomew lateral challenges due to some water loss in the ditch system. New Parshall Flume installed on Chatfield Bartholomew lateral 4/2021 and is operating properly. Metro and Town of Gypsum drained Pond #1 and replaced old Morning Glory vault and head gate 3/2021 and is operating properly  

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If you have questions regarding the use and operation of the Raw water irrigation system please contact the Metro District at 970-926-6060 extension #4

That’s all for now

Cotton Ranch Metro District