District Documents
The District is governed by state statute as well as the Service Plan approved by the Town of Gypsum when the District was established. Below are links to the pertinent governing documents of the District.
The documents provided on this and other pages of this site are for the convenience of website users. The documents are not all of the documents or instruments affecting the districts or ownership of property at Cotton Ranch Metropolitan District. Owners are responsible for obtaining and reviewing all documents of record and otherwise affecting his/her property, including without limitation, all documents relating to title, the neighborhood and the metropolitan districts. If you require a district document not available below you may request a copy by submitting a public records request to Marchetti & Weaver, LLC.
Service PlanService Plan AmendmentWater Rules & Regulations10-01-2024 Quarterly Progress-To-Date Report01-01-2025 Quarterly Progress-To-Date Report2025 Transparency NoticeThe District is funded through a combination of property taxes levied on all properties within the District boundaries as well as raw-water user fees charged based on usage. In the fall of each year the District adopts a budget for the upcoming year in compliance with state statutes. Public input on the budget is always welcome. In the spring of each year the financial records of the District are audited by an independent CPA firm as required by State statute. Below you will find the Budgets and Audits of the District for the past several years.